How Can I help You?

Coaching is highly effective and has considerable benefits personally and professionally. The institute of Coaching reports that coaching positively impacted individuals by helping them:
- Establish and take action towards achieving goals
- Become more self-reliant
- Gain more life satisfaction
- Take greater responsibility and accountability for their life
- Communicate more effectively
Combining coaching with elements of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and with the somatic approach of breathing, moving and grounding helps you navigate your way through current psychological turmoil, cope with unforeseen problems and unwelcome thoughts, deal with practical challenges and move forward into an improved future.
Do I need HELP?

- Are you concerned that you have lost yourself within a relationship?
- Do you constantly second guess your partners thoughts, responses, moods and change your response to please or appease them?
- Stress, depression or abuse can affect your physical as well as your mental and emotional health, do you often get bouts of minor or major ill-health at stressful times?
- Can you talk, confide and laugh with your partner?
- Do you need to keep secrets?
- Do you often feel overwhelmed, can’t concentrate or focus on work or tasks and unable to completely relax?
- Are your thoughts jumbled and you need objective clarity?
- Are you in a situation that you want, and need, to change?
- Is your partner controlling, manipulative, possessive?
- Have you experienced gaslighting or does your partner love bomb you?
- Does your partner catastrophise situations or have a high conflict personality?
- Are you lonely in your relationship?
- Has your partner been unfaithful?
- Do you feel the end of your relationship may be the end of your world?
- Have you been left feeling unworthy or feeling it’s you to blame for everything?
If you are currently or have previously experienced any of these, then I’m here to support you and gain control over your life to accomplish a better future.
Then perhaps you should consider our 21-day self-care online programme.
Each day for 21 days you will be provided with a subject area, to provide information and guidance to help you move forward. This course is interactive and can be used individually or within a group. See yourself how you are, identify your self-limitation and move forward to a brighter future. Further information on News and Information or contact me to reserve a space.
Corporate: National and International training on work-related and personal stress management using the HSE Management Standards for stress. Information, guidance, training and mediation on bullying and harassment cases. See Corporate page.